Baki Beard

From Drawn to Life Wiki
Baki Beard

Species Baki
Variant None
Health HeartSmall Small.pngHeartSmall Small.pngHeartSmall Small.pngHeartSmall Small.pngHeartSmall Small.pngHeartSmall Small.pngHeartSmall Small.pngHeartSmall Small.png
Attacks Contact
Battle Phases 2
Location Watersong
BakiBeard's Ship
Level Number 10
(12 overall)
Boss Number 1
Saved None
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Baki Beard the Terrible is bombarding Watersong! Rose said there's a hidden passage to the cove through here.


Baki Beard, called BakiBeard in some cases and called Baki Beard the Terrible by Mari, is the boss of Watersong in Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter. He is a pirate Baki that attempts to sink Watersong at the end of its story. He is responsible for spreading the BakiBeard Coins throughout the Raposa realm.


Normal Form[edit]

Baki Beard is a tan furred Baki that wears a blue and green scarf. He also wears an eye patch as well as a pirate hat that is similar to the ones Baki Captains wear. Despite his name, Baki Beard only has a white mustache. Baki Beard's normal form also has a peg leg.

Ghost Form[edit]

Baki Beard's ghost form is more than eight times the size of his normal form. Like other Ghost Baki, he is a somewhat pale, grey-blue color. Unlike other ghosts, his scarf isn't the same color as his body. Instead, Baki Beard's scarf is now magenta and cyan. He still wears an eye patch on his right eye, and a pirate hat with a skull on it.

AButton.png Levels[edit]

Attack Axe.png Battle[edit]

Baki Beard is fought after traversing his ship. In order to defeat him, Hero must first kill his normal sized Baki form by either attacking it or jumping on it. After that, Baki Beard will come back as a ghost and increase in size. He attacks first by sending waves of Baki Swabbies in varying patterns. To attack him, the Hero must jump on the Swabbies, using them like stairs, and then jump or ground pound on Baki Beard's head.

After being attacked, or by not being attacked for too long, Baki Beard will perform one of two attacks. He will either quickly fly across the screen or teleport around the arena. He is vulnerable to attacks during the former attack, but not the latter. After these, he will send another wave of Baki Swabbies towards the Hero. Baki Beard is invulnerable to the Hero's weapons.


  • Baki Beard's peg leg is missing in his death sprite.
  • It is possible to kill Baki Beard while dead by having the Hero's lifeless body fall on his head.
    • Despite killing this boss, this will still count as a loss.
  • Like Pirate Beard, Baki Beard has the word 'beard' in his name despite not having a beard.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]