Baki Lancer

From Drawn to Life Wiki
Baki Lancer

Species Baki
Variant Moon
Health HeartSmall Small.png
Attack Type Contact
Item Drops N/A
Games Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter Link

Baki Lancers are a variant of Baki that are found in the shooter levels in Galactic Jungle and Wilfre's Wasteland of Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter. Baki Lancers move horizontally in a straight line and, like most other Baki, do not target the Hero.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

Baki Lancers are Moon Baki that ride on a rocket powered Knight chess piece, either black or white, and carry long lances.

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  • Unlike most other Baki, making contact with a Baki Lancer will defeat it. However, the player will still receive damage from the contact.

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