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Species Raposa
Gender Female
Age Adult
Fur Color
Orange Fur
Red Hair
Home Rapoville
Shadow City (Formerly, Birthplace)
Role Protagonist
Main Antagonist
Deputy Mayor
Last Known Status Unknown (Presumably Deceased)
Game(s) Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Wii) Link
TR Logo.png (Sticker Only)

Not to be confused with Cindi.

Fortunately, Mari has me to help her. Hi! I'm Circi! I'm the deputy mayor!


Circi was Mari's deputy mayor of Rapoville in Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Wii). At first, Circi seemed to be a helpful, yet cautious, deputy mayor to Mari. Throughout the game, she feels as if Rapoville is too dependent on the Creator and is quick to pin others for crimes without real evidence. However, once all the Artifacts of Power were collected, she revealed herself to be Wilfre's lover, and revealed all the conflict in the game to be a result of her plan to revive Wilfre. However, she forgets what he looks like while trying to draw him onto the Bad Mannequin and created the Giant Scribble Monster.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

Circi is a female Raposa with orange fur and long red hair. She wore a black dress with white lace and buttons and a red earring in one ear. In her Shadow form, her entire body becomes black and her eyes become white, much like Wilfre. Her earring does not change.

Book Icon.png Story[edit]

Circi was born in Shadow City, but had to evacuate to Rapoville as a baby due to the emergence of Shadow creatures. She fled Rapoville with her family when Wilfre defaced the Book of Life, but returned after the events of the first game. She was then appointed as Mari's deputy mayor. She is first seen when the Book of Life goes missing, and she stands with Mari as she prays for a Hero. When they learn that Crazy Barks has the Book, Circi is reluctant to go after him, but she does, learning the history of Wilfre in the process. After this, she asks the Hero and Jowee to go into Jangala to find Zsasha, believing him to be behind the disappearance of the village creations.

When Zsasha is found trapped with the Monkey King and the Crystal Mask, Circi realizes he was innocent and begins to tell the villagers that Wilfre must have returned, sending the Hero and Jowee through Shadow City to find his lair. When they find a shadowy figure carrying Wilfre's Journal, Circi continues to push that Wilfre had returned, so Jowee and the Hero go to Wilfre's Lair for even more proof. When they find his journal, Circi reads about the Artifacts of Power - the Crystal Mask, Wilfre's Pen and Pencil, the Eternal Furnace, and Branches from the Tree of Ages. Circi then sends Jowee and the Hero to the Icy Wastes to find the Eternal Furnace while she studies Wilfre's Journal even more.

When Jowee and the Hero find the Furnace, they see the same shadowy figure stealing it for themself, causing the villagers to panic. Mari and Galileo then send the heroes to the Eastern Winds to find the Tree of Ages. On their way there, Circi suggests to Mike and the Hero that they could find a Jar of Lightning Bugs in the Roab Plateaus. After Jowee and the Hero defeat the Shadow attacking the land, Circi takes the Branches to Village Hall, where she secretly assembles the Artifacts of Power into a Bad Mannequin, revealing her true persona - the shadowy figure who stole the Furnace and Wilfre's lover.

When Mari, Jowee, and the Hero encounter her at Village Hall, she begins to scribble in the Book of Life in an attempt to revive Wilfre. However, she had forgotten Wilfre's face, leading her creations to come out twisted and evil, much like Wilfre's creations before hers. The resulting Giant Scribble Monster begins to terrorize the village, so the Hero and Mari work together to stop it. It is unknown what happens to Circi after this attack, although dialogue implies that she had died in the attack.

Quote Icon.png Quotes[edit]

Fortunately, Mari has me to help her. Hi! I'm Circi! I'm the deputy mayor!


Circi introducing herself at the beginning of the game.

Crazybarks! We should have never let that demented Rapo in our village...


Is it safe? He isn't going to bite me, is he?


Circi talking about Crazy Barks.

I don't get what all the big fuss is over some old book?


Circi before being told Wilfre's backstory.

I understand why this is so important to you. What can we do to help?


After Mari tells Circi the events of the first game.

Good thinking, Jowee... Once a thief, always a thief! I never trusted that guy!


Circi talking about Zsasha.

Zsasha must be the best thief in the world to go this long without being caught by a hero as might as you, Hero!


I admit I don't know much about this Wilfre.


Oh, Jowee, if what you say about the Shadow City is true...


That must have been Wilfre's Journal. I knew it! WILFRE HAS RETURNED!


I wonder what is in Wilfre's journal that is so valuable...


Wilfre's journal mentions the Eternal Furnace alot. It must be awfully important.


Everyone! I tell you, we are in terrible danger now that WILFRE HAS RETURNED!


Creator, Creator, Creator! Why do we have to ask the creator for everything? Isn't there somewhere we can get the parts?


Maybe you could use lightning bugs instead?
I used to see them at night all over the Roab Plauteaus.


Circi when the electricity doesn't reach the lighthouse.

Why don't you two take a break?
Chef Cookie is getting the wedding feast ready and could use a few extra hands!


Circi after Jowee mentions how much hard work goes into adventuring.

Guys, get to the Tree of Ages before Wilfre gets there!


Now that you've brought back the branches, I'm going back to City Hall to see if I can learn anything else from Wilfre's journal.


Upon the Tree of Ages being restored.

Heh, heh, heh!! Thanks to that fool Jowee, all the Items of Power have been gathered! No one can stop us now, my love!


Heh heh heh! Little fools! It was I who captured the Eternal Furnace!!


Yes Mari! You were all so fooled by the "Shadowy Figure" - ME!
Wilfre was an artistic genius, a genius! My poor sweet snookums was destroyed by fools like YOU!


Circi upon her intentions being discovered.

But now that I have all of the Items of Power, I will bring my Wilfre back from the dead!
I really must thank you for doing so much of the work for me! Heh heh heh!!


Behold! The Items of Power form the mannequin that will bring Wilfre back to life!!
Now, to draw my Wilfre onto the mannequin...
Scribble, scribble, scribble.
No! That's all wrong. That's not what he looked like.
Scribble, scribble, scribble.
My snookums didn't look like that either...
Scribble, scribble, scribble.
SOB! Why can't I remember what my Wilfre looked like??
AARRGH! You STUPID drawing!!! I hate you!! I HATE ALL OF YOU!!!!


Circi attempting to bring Wilfre back to life before being defeated.


  • As revealed in a package from Ken Capelli, Circi was designed by Concept Artist Winona Nelson.
  • Circi has been shown to be very prejudiced against anyone who she does not trust, be it Zsasha, the Monkeys, or Crazy Barks.
  • Circi has apparently been to both the Icy Wastes and Eastern Winds before the events of the game, as she knows about the Frozenini and the Roab Plateaus.
  • While in shadow form, her earring is clearly visible unlike the rest of her which is covered in Shadow.
  • Her name may be based upon the character Circe, a witch from The Odyssey who turns men into swine until she meets the hero Odysseus, whom she falls in love with and surrenders to his will, much like what Circi does with Wilfre.
  • According to Scott Rogers, Circi was created to contrast Heather[1].
  • When Jowee and the Hero recover the Crystal Mask from the Monkey King, Zsasha mentions that a "shadowy figure" was trying to steal it. Due to the fact that Wilfre is deceased during the events of the game, it is most likely that this "shadowy figure" was Circi in her Shadow form.
  • Circi is the narrator for the game's opening.
    • In an unused sequence, Circi would have also been the guide for a control tutorial.
  • It is unknown if Circi survived the Giant Scribble Monster or not, but due to her not appearing after the fight and Mari telling the player about a dream where she sees a Raposa die, it is likely that she didn't.
    • The Giant Scribble Monster was planned to have killed her in a unused cutscene, but it's unknown if this is still canon to her character.
  • It is unknown if she and Wilfre were truly in a relationship or if she just had an obsession with him.
  • After beating Shadow Labyrinth, Circi begins to drop more hints about her true nature in optional dialogue, saying that she feels like Shadow City is her true home, that Wilfre's Journal was full of incredible ideas, and that the Raposa need to stop relying so much on the Creator.
  • Part of Circi's plan seems to be taking over Mari's role as Mayor, although this seems to be more of a backup than a part of her primary goal.
  • The Circi Mask Sticker in Drawn to Life: Two Realms makes a direct reference to Drawn to Life fan Milquetoast.
    • This is due to the fact that Milquetoast had asked Digital Continue to add Circi into the game throughout the development period.
      • This is currently the only reference to the Wii game in a canon game.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]

NoteIcon.png References[edit]

  1. CirciHeather.png