Crumbling Keep

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Crumbling Keep
WW CrumblingKeep.png
Area Wilfre's Wasteland
Number 8
(38 overall)
Level Type Standard
Template None
Saved Dr. Cure (optional)
Secrets Baki beard coin by maybirdfan-d35ceoa.gif
Coins None
Game Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter Link
Last Level
WW MysticManor.png
Mystic Manor
Next Level
WW HallOfDarkness.png
Hall of Darkness

You got the key! Now you can enter the next part of Wilfre's lair!


Crumbling Keep is the eighth level in Wilfre's Wasteland in Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter, as well as the penultimate level of the game. The stage has three segments, as well as the last Action Drawing segment in the game. The final section contains a moving lava-wall obstacle that forces the Hero to remain in constant motion moving forward to avoid taking damage.

Book Icon.png Story[edit]

The Hero finds the key needed to enter the next segment of Wilfre's lair.

BakiIcon.png Enemies[edit]

Box Monster Spikes
BoxMonster Walk1.gif

JoweeThumbSmall.png Rescued Raposa[edit]

Ah-ha! A rescue! Just what the doctor ordered! Thank you!

–Dr. Cure DrCure.gif


  • In order to access the level, Wilfre's castle must be restored. This costs 250 Color Drops.
  • The player receives 250 Color Drops for completing the level for the first time.
  • Although an Ameba appears on the level card, there are none in the level itself.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]