Doodle Sandy

From Drawn to Life Wiki
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Doodle Sandy

Doodle Sandy (Spawn).gif

Doodle Sandy (Idle).gif

Doodle Sandy (Run).gif

Doodle Sandy (Jump).gif

Doodle Sandy (Stomp Damage).gif

Doodle Sandy (Side Damage).gif

Doodle Sandy (Stunned).gif

Doodle Sandy (Flip).gif

Doodle Sandy (Jump Kick).gif

Doodle Sandy (Fast Kick).gif

Doodle Sandy (Karate Chop).gif

As seen in the episode Doodle Dimension

Species Doodle Dude
Variant Sandy
Health 100%DoodleScribble.png Doodle Scribble
Attack Type Contact
Item Drops 5 DTLSB COIN.png
Games Spongebob Logo 2.png

Doodle Sandy is a Doodle Dude enemy featured exclusively in Drawn to Life: SpongeBob SquarePants Edition.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

Doodle Sandy is a crudely drawn caricature of Sandy drawn to life by DoodleBob, with a similar body structure and shape, albeit with a monochrome color scheme. Unlike DoodleBob, however, her proportions are modeled directly after Sandy rather than having stick limbs.

AButton.png Levels[edit]


  • Doodle Sandy, alongside Doodle Patrick, is one of the few Doodle Dude based on a pre-existing character that doesn't appear in Frankendoodle.
    • Unlike Doodle Patrick, however, she reappears in it's sequel episode, Doodle Dimension, this time with stick limbs and a structure closer resembling Doodlebob.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]