Flying Platform

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Flying Platform



Name Flying Platform
Use Acts as a moving platform
Creation Type Level Object
Has Preset Yes
Template Needed No
Created In/After Rockin' Ruins
Game(s) Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter Link

For other uses of Platforms on the wiki, see Platform.

The Flying Platform moves about the world. Hero can ride it to new and wonderous locations!

–Design Prompt

The Flying Platform is a creation in Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter, first drawn in Rockin' Ruins in Watersong. It is a moving platform that allows the player to reach otherwise-inaccessible areas.

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Due to the Flying Platform being a creation object, the appearance of this object is completely dependent on the player, though they are still confined to the space provided.

The preset drawing for this creation is a red book facing upwards. The opened pages are filled with writing.

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  • The Flying Platform is the first creation in the game to be drawn in an optional stage, Rockin' Ruins.
  • The Flying Platform has a very similar function to the Stormy Cloud in the first game.

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