Forest Gate

From Drawn to Life Wiki
Forest Gate



Gate Number 2
Gate Creations Acorn Blaster
Gate Element Forest
Levels Twilite Wood
Moon Grove
Star Forest
Boss Deadwood
Area South-eastern section of Rapoville
Games Drawn to Life Link
Previous Gate
Snow Gate
Next Gate
Beach Gate

The Forest Gate is the second Gate accessible in Drawn to Life.

It is the Gate after the Snow Gate, and before the Beach Gate. This Gate contains a total of five levels, four regular and one boss. The gate is unlocked following the defeat of Frostwind, and the eastern expansion of the village.


26twillight001.png World 2-1[edit]

Twilite Wood is the first level in the Forest Gate. The Hero has to rescue Zsasha, a RapoGirl, and an Old Rapo Man, while collecting all four pieces to the Night Sky Template.

27twillight003.png World 2-2[edit]

Moon Grove is the second level in the Forest Gate. The Hero has to rescue Cricket and his deputies, and collect the Moon Template.

28twillight004.png World 2-3[edit]

Gearworks is the third level in the Forest Gate. The Hero has to rescue NavyJ and two of his groupies, and collect the Clock Template.

30twillight005.png World 2-4[edit]

Star Forest is the fourth level in the Forest Gate. The Hero has to rescue Galileo and his family, and collect the Village Observatory Template.

Attack Axe.png Boss[edit]

31twillight006.png Deadwood is the boss of the Forest Gate. The Hero has to free the imprisoned Samuel.

JoweeThumbSmall.png Rescued Characters[edit]

My name is Zsasha...
Do not tell anyone you saved me!

–Zsasha Zsasha Idle.gif

The village needs an investigator?!
I'd be honored to help!
I will see you at the exit gate!

–Cricket CricketIdle.gif

A festival?
Sounds great... I've been working on a new song!

–NavyJ Navy j.gif

Thank you! Your timing could not have been better!
I came to study the stars... but I'm ready to return to the village!

–Galileo Galileo.gif


–Samuel Samuel.gif


  • Every Gate in the game minus the Secret Door uses the same sprite of the entrance gate in their stage select map.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]