
From Drawn to Life Wiki

Frank idle down.gif

Frank idle up.gif

Frank walk down.gif

Frank walk up.gif

Frank celebrate.gif

Frank surprised.gif

Frank happy.gif

Frank sad.gif

Frank angry.gif

Frank thinking.gif

Species Human
Gender Male
Age Adult
Fur Color
Orange Hair
Home Belleview
Role Villager
Last Known Status Alive
Game(s) TR Logo.png
Aha! That engine is going to be purring like a cat once I get through with it.


Frank is a Human featured in Drawn to Life: Two Realms. He lives in Belleview and works at the gas station with Jeff and Luke.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

Frank is an adult human with scruffy, ginger hair. He also has a large, ginger moustache. He wears a brown baseball cap backwards, and he has a pair of brown overalls with a white undershirt.

Book Icon.png Story[edit]

Before the events of Drawn to Life: Two Realms, Frank was infected with Shadow by Aldark. He plays no major role in the story, but by the end of the game, the Hero has presumably saved him from the Shadow. During the game, he watches as Mike confronts Deputy Snyder, and is one of the people Mike yells at during his breakdown.

BoIopen.png Imagination Battle[edit]

Frank isn't feeling too hot about his work lately. Let's reignite it!

–Level Description

Engineuos is an optional battle in Drawn to Life: Two Realms, has one segment, and takes place inside Frank's mind. It uses the Town biome and plays the track "Drawn to Drummin". It is unlocked after installing Creative Pack #2.


One Star (500 points): 100 Rapo-Coins
Two Stars (1500 points): 200 Rapo-Coins
Three Stars (2500 points): Fur Boots Sticker

Required Enemies[edit]

  • None

Build Mode[edit]

For this level, the player is required to place 5 toys and defeat all possible toys.

Quote Icon.png Quotes[edit]

Always somethin' to fix in this town... What a dump.


Before completing Sleuthing Extraordinaire

Can you hand me the Crowfoot wrench?


Before completing Pulled Two Ways before installing Creative Pack #2
Before unlocking Engineuos after installing Creative Pack #2

Found a busted up vintage engine the other day. Can't wait to patch it up!


After completing Pulled Two Ways before installing Creative Pack #2
Unused after installing Creative Pack #2

I've run into this problem with a busted engine...


After unlocking Engineuos but before attempting it

Maybe I'm just no good at fixing things anymore...


After losing Engineuos

Aha! That engine is going to be purring like a cat once I get through with it.


After winning Engineuos


  • It is very likely that Frank is meant to be Key's Human counterpart due to their near-identical appearances. However, as Frank is not listed on the Raposa-Human Counterpart Sheet created during development, this cannot be said for sure[1].
  • Frank is one of the few characters to appear on the title screen for Drawn to Life: Two Realms.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]

NoteIcon.png References[edit]

  1. ConnectionSheet3.jpg