Giant Clam

From Drawn to Life Wiki
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Giant Clam


As seen in the Season 13 episode SquidBird

The model from Atlantis SquarePantis DS

Species Clam
Variant N/A
Health HeartSmall Small.pngHeartSmall Small.png
Attack Type Contact
Item Drops 10 DTLSB COIN.png / Powerup
Games Spongebob Logo 2.png

Not to be confused with the Creation.

Giant Clams are a creature featured in the SpongeBob SquarePants TV Series and are frequent in the show's video game adaptations, including Drawn to Life: SpongeBob SquarePants Edition as an enemy. They are featured in just two stages, the Tutorial and BiBo Industries - both of which are in the first world, Bikini Bottom. They attack by charging at the player, and occasionally shoot pearls out towards them at an angle.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

Much like in the series, Giant Clams are around ten times larger than their real-world counterpart, and are typically seen dark purple with a lighter shade for their lips. The inside of their mouth is light-grey, while their tongue is pink.

AButton.png Levels[edit]


  • Like most of the game's assets, the Giant Clam model was reused from Altron's previous SpongeBob title, the DS version of Atlantis SquarePantis.
    • Their attack formation, however, is more faithful to the Game Boy Advance version of that game, also developed by Altron.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]

Additional Info[edit]

The Giant Clam's page on the SpongeBob Wiki