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Hammock .png
Name Hammock
Use Allows the player to jump higher
Creation Type Level Object
Has Preset No
Template Needed No
Created In/After Surf Beach
Game(s) Drawn to Life Link

No time to lounge! Better get drawing!

–Design Prompt

Hammocks are creations drawn in Drawn to Life. They are first drawn and used in Surf Beach, and are then used continually throughout the Beach Gate. Hammocks work like trampolines, or the previously created Springs, bouncing the Hero farther up when they jump on them and allowing them to progress and reach otherwise-inaccessible areas.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

Due to the Hammock being a creation object and having no pre-drawn preset or guide, the appearance of this object is completely dependent on the player.

AButton.png Levels[edit]


  • Hammocks and Springs are among the few creations in the game to act almost identically.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]