Heavy Twins

From Drawn to Life Wiki
Heavy Twins
Species Heavy Twins
Health Invincible
Attack Type None
Item Drops N/A
Games TR Logo.png

They hate to be apart, especially when someone walks on them.

–Toy Menu

Heavy Twins are uncommon enemies in Drawn to Life: Two Realms. When the Hero walks over them, they begin to fall down. They are otherwise invincible.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

The Heavy Twins appear as two square beings, one teal and one purple. They both have at least one arm which they use to hold onto the other twin. They each have two white eyes and a crooked smile.

AButton.png Levels[edit]

Story Levels[edit]

Optional Levels[edit]

As every optional level allows the player to purchase any toy to place in said level, this list will only note the levels where Heavy Twins already appears deployed in the level.


  • Heavy Twins can be bought for use in Build Mode in Isaac's Shop for 50 TRCoin.png.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]