Hermit Crab

From Drawn to Life Wiki
Hermit Crab

BellCrab Hide.gif

BellCrab HideWalk.gif

BellCrab Walk.gif

BellCrab Spin.gif

BellCrab Shake.gif

BellCrab Flip.gif

BellCrab UpsideDown.gif

BellCrab Death.png

HermitCrabTR (Idle).gif

HermitCrabTR (Walk).gif

HermitCrabTR (Angry).gif

HermitCrabTR (Happy).gif

Species Crab
Variant Hermit
Health HeartSmall Small.png
Attack Type Contact
Item Drops SilverCoin Small.pngSilverCoin Small.png
Games Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter Link
TR Logo.png

I gotta find a new shell house before the market goes up again!

–Hermit Crab

Hermit Crabs are enemies found in some Watersong levels in Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter. One can also be found in Rapoville in Drawn to Life: Two Realms.

They are similar to Baki in that they do not actively pursue the Hero. However, unlike Baki, Hermit Crabs can't be killed by being jumped on due to their bell-shell protecting them. Instead, the use of a weapon is required in order to defeat them. If The Hero jumps on the Bell Crab, the bell on its back will vibrate and produce a ringing sound. The crab will also pause and hide in the bell for a period of time.

They won't walk off platforms they're pacing on, and instead will simply turn around they encounter an edge.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

Hermit Crabs very closely resemble real life hermit crabs, with the exception of their shell, which is replaced by a bell. They have orange bodies and their bell is a shiny gold.

AButton.png Levels[edit]

BoIopen.png Imagination Battle[edit]

This crab has been stealing all sorts of shells from the beach. Send it back where it came from!

–Level Description

Shell Shocked is an optional battle in Drawn to Life: Two Realms, has one segment, and takes place inside a Hermit Crab's mind.


One Star (500 points): 30 Rapo-Coins
Two Stars (1500 points): 70 Rapo-Coins
Three Stars (2500 points): Anchor Sticker

Required Enemies[edit]

  • None

Build Mode[edit]

For this level, the player is required to place 5 toys and reach the exit.

Quote Icon.png Quotes[edit]

It's impossible to find an appropriate shell on this beach.

–Hermit Crab

Must you bother me? Can't you see I'm sizing up new real estate?

–Hermit Crab

Still haven't found a new shell, but at least you're here to keep me company.

–Hermit Crab

You again? I promise, I haven't even touch another shell on this beach.

–Hermit Crab

Ha! You'll never stop me from flipping these Shells for Sand Dollar profit!

–Hermit Crab


PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]