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Levi Left.gif

Levi Right.gif

Levi Behind.gif

Levi Walk.gif

Levi WalkBehind.gif

Levi WalkLeft.gif

Levi WalkRight.gif

Levi Jump.gif

Levi Fear.gif

Levi Trow.gif

Levi Hit.gif

Species Raposa
Gender Male
Age Child
Fur Color
Home Lavasteam
Role Villager
Last Known Status Alive
Game(s) Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter Link
I've finally decided what I want to be when I grow up.
I want to be a hero, just like you, Hero!


Levi's generic quote after completing Lavasteam's story.

Levi is a young Raposa boy in Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter who resides in the west side of Lavasteam.

Before color was lost due to Wilfre, Levi had a friend—a Cave Monster—that used to live in a cave below him in Lavasteam; this area can be colored in and the creature recreated. In order to do so, ground color must first be restored and The Hero talk to Levi.

Throughout Lavasteam's section of the story, Levi tries to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up. At some point, he mentions that he wants to be a Robosa and a King before finally settling on becoming a hero, like the Creation Hero.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

Levi is a young Raposa boy with yellow fur. He wears a light blue shirt and blue-jean shorts/pants.

Appearance wise, he is very similar to the generic Raposa Boy sprite from the first game.

Quote Icon.png Quotes[edit]

Maybe I can be a Robosa when I grow up?


I've decided, after all this is over, I'm gonna be king when I grow up!
But I won't use any stupid Robosa!


Levi after the Robosa shut down

I haven't seen my friend in a while. He used to hang out in that cave down in the lake
He hasn't shown up since the color went away though.
Maybe if the lava was fixed, he'd come back. He doesn't like being cold.


Levi before color is restored to the lava.

I don't get it. The lava's back but my friend is still gone.
I can't quite remember what he looks like.
I know! Could you please draw me a picture of him so I can put up a missing pet poster?


After the lava is restored, Levi asks The Hero to draw the Cave Monster.

Huh? Do you hear that?
That's him! It's gotta be!
Thank you for helping me find my friend, Hero! I'll never forget this!


Levi after the cave monster is drawn.

I've finally decided what I want to be when I grow up.
I want to be a hero, just like you, Hero!


Levi's generic quote after completing Lavasteam's story.


  • Levi's sprite is a recolor of the generic Raposa Boy sprite from the first game.
    • Due to this, he has an unused throwing animation from the snowfight minigame in Drawn to Life.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]