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This article may contain major plot spoilers that threaten to ruin elements of the story!
If you haven't completed the series, it is highly recommended that you tread with caution while reading this article!
Fur Color
Protagonist Former Mayor
Last Known Status

(Flashback Only)

(Flashback Only)
Not to be confused with The Position.
“The villagers are what's important now!”
The Mayor is a major character in the Drawn to Life series, appearing as a main character in the original Drawn to Life and making cameo appearances in every other installment in the series. The Mayor is Mari's father, and was the seventh mayor of Rapoville. He was one of the last villagers to remain in Rapoville when the Darkness crept in, and he was instrumental in helping the Hero defeat Wilfre. He was killed by Wilfre shortly before his defeat, although he did remain as a ghost that only the Hero could see. As a ghost, he watched over Mari and Jowee, and also helped the Hero defeat Wilfre when he was revived.
The Mayor is an elderly male Raposa depicted with orange fur, a pair of white eyebrows, and a white moustache. His attire consists of a blue jacket with a white undershirt and grey pants. He also wears a brown bowler hat, and he is sometimes shown wearing a monocle over his left eye. He is often seen holding a wooden cane.
Before the events of Drawn to Life, many years before Mari was born, Mayor had forbade Wilfre, a popular Raposa, from drawing in the Book of Life. When Wilfre snuck into Creation Hall and stole the Book of Life, accidentally creating the Shadow, Mayor and Cricket chased after him, demanding the Book back. However, Wilfre tore the pages from the Book of Life, scattering them in the wind. Mayor would watch as the Creator sealed Creation Hall and abandoned the village, allowing the Darkness to creep into the village. The villagers began to leave until only the Mayor, Mari, Jowee, and Isaac's family were left.
Drawn to Life[edit]
In Drawn to Life, the Mayor is first seen trying to convince Isaac and Mya to stay in the village, despite the fact that their daughter, Cindi, had gone missing. He is unable to convince them to stay, even when Mari arrives to tell them that the Creator had returned. No one besides Jowee believes her, and Mayor ends up leaving for Snow Fields to find Isaac and Mya. However, he gets captured in a Shadow Cage but is rescued by the Hero. This event causes the Mayor to believe in the Creator once more, and he begins working with the Hero to restore the Raposa world and the Book of Life.
Eventually, Mayor finds Mari and the Hero inside Creation Hall reading the Mayor's Book, a book that records the history of every mayor of Rapoville. After seeing the book for the first time since Creation Hall was sealed, he is overjoyed and tells Mari that she is to begin her mayoral training. She is reluctant to approach this task, but Mayor tells the Hero that she will come around. When the village festival occurs, Mayor introduces Mari, but she does not appear. He tells the Hero to find her, and they return her to the stage.
Throughout the rest of the game, the Mayor acts as an advisor to the Hero, adding pages to the Book of Life and helping direct the Hero through the game. Near the end of the game, Mayor asks the Hero to collect the Final Page, a page in the Book of Life where each mayor would have their name written by the Creator, giving them the authority over the Raposa. The Hero leaves to get this page, and while the Hero is gone, the Mayor is confronted by Wilfre near the Forest Gate. Wilfre taunts the Mayor and ultimately kills him, stealing the Book of Life from his body. The Mayor's death almost tears apart the village, but Wilfre's demise brings them together once more. The Mayor somehow lives on as a ghost, seen watching over Mari and Jowee with the Hero.
Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter[edit]
The Mayor's spirit is not seen again until Wilfre's Wasteland, when the Hero is left by themselves. The Mayor returns to guide them on destroying the barrier around Wilfre's castle, telling them to collect the three Village Orbs and the three Village Altars. Once all six items have been collected, the Mayor vanishes for the rest of the game.
“I understand... but we should go out together.”
–Mayor Before Isaac and his wife leave the village.
“Oh Mari! And Jowee! I'm glad you're here. Isaac's daughter went missing! They just left to go search for her.”
“Young Rapo, you've been talking about The Creator for months now... Let it go.”
–Mayor Upon Mari telling him The Creator spoke to her.
“Mari... stop... We have more important things to worry about.”
“Mari! Stop with this nonsense!! The Creator abandoned us a long time ago! The villagers are what's important now!”
“Who are you?! Oh? ...A Creation Hero? So The Creator is back! I was such a fool for not listening to Mari... We should get back to the village... It's dangerous here!”
–Mayor Upon being rescued by The Hero.
“All thanks to Hero... I'm sorry for leaving when I did. I didn't catch up with Isaac or his wife... I hope they're ok...”
–Mayor Upon returning to the village.
“Hero, I found something in the Snow Fields that might help you... It's a snowshooter page for The Book of Life... The Creator can draw it for you!”
“You can aim using the +control pad. Hero, you'll also see torn pages from The Book of Life in the Snow Fields... You'll need to collect four of them to exit The Level Gate... Please hurry, Isaac and his family need your help!”
–Mayor The Mayor explaining controls and templates to The Hero.
“I can't believe Wilfre is still alive... After what he did to The Book of Life...”
“Wilfre... He's the cause of this mess!”
“Oh... It was many years ago... Several years before you were born, in fact... Wilfre was a respected member of this village. Always the center of attention... Wilfre questioned why it was forbidden... design our own creations. The Book of Life. He told me that it could be done better... What a fool I was... for underestimating what he was capable of... Wilfre snuck into Creation Hall... and stole The Book of Life. He took the book back to his house. and drew inside the pages... but the creations came out twisted and black. It wasn't long before I discovered his scheme... We confronted him... and in a furious rage... he tore the pages from The Book of Life. tossing them into the wind... We surrounded him and grabbed the book but Wilfre escaped, and fled the village The Creator grieved over the loss.. and sealed Creation Hall... and we were left to fend for ourselves. I locked what remained of the book away... but it was too late The sun grew dim... The moon and stars faded away... and finally The Eternal Flame... flickered and died out... A creeping shadow grew at the edge of our town. and everyone left, in search of a new home. All because of Wilfre...”
–Mayor The Mayor explaining who Wilfre is.
“Now I see... the lost pages... In order to restore our village we need to collect those pages!”
“The Creator has given us a new hero. And you... my dear Mari... have given us all hope.”
“So Isaac's shop is free of the darkness? I guess he's here to stay now!”
“Excellent work... I've been doing some thinking... We had such a vibrant village before the sun disappeared... If The Creator could design a new sun, then perhaps more villagers would return! Hrmm... Through The Village Snow Gate, and into The Snow Caves you go!”
–Mayor The Mayor prompting The Hero to recover the Sun page.
“Just as I remember it... I'm surprised Jowee isn't first in line!”
–Mayor After Cookie's Sign is completed.
“It's such a relief to see everyone out and about! The snow is melting too!”
“You both give me an idea... We should have a village snowball fight! Hero versus everyone!”
–Mayor After seeing Mari and Jowee throw snowballs at each other.
“Now now... It is a bit sunny out... but let's not overreact.”
–Mayor The Mayor's reaction to the village heatwave.
“If it isn't good ole Tubba!”
–Mayor Upon Tubba's return.
“Hero, look! It's raining!”
“Can you go thank Mari? After all, it was her idea to get the raincloud page!”
“Each mayor, approaching the end of their life, would record The Village's history. Then cam Wilfre... And with Creation Hall sealed off... I figured I would never have a chance to record my story. I'm glad you found it.”
“I've spoken with Isaac, Cookie, and Farmer Brown... With their endorsement, I've decided it's time for you to start your training... Seven generations of our family have led this village... You'll be the eighth... And a fine mayor you'll make!”
–Mayor The Mayor telling Mari that she will start training to be mayor.
“I still have some years to go! But eventually someone will need to take my place...”
“That's my lil Rapo! We'll hold a festival soon to celebrate... The festival has been a tradition since before your Rapoppy was mayor!”
“We have a major problem on our hands! Frostwind is awake! You can hear it roar from here... Legend says it sleeps on Snowy-Snow Mountain, just past Snow Lake. It's only a mattter of time before if breaks through the World Gate!. Please hurry! You need to stop it before if gets here!”
“It looks like a Raposa...”
–Mayor Reffering to Heather on her rescue.
“Where did you pick up that strange lil Rapo?”
“Her name is Heather? What a strange name...”
“I think she likes you!”
“Heather! If you're going to stay in the village, you need to behave yourself. ...Understood?”
“Alright then, Jowee will keep an eye on you from now on.”
“We'll hold the festival soon... I need to arrange some music...”
“Very good! Hero, we need some time to prepare for the Village Festival! Why don't you explore the eastern part of our village?”
“The Twilite Wood stretches high into the sky! You won't get very far without some wings... Ah! Here you go... Right from The Book of Life, a template for wings! Creator, would you design them?”
“Those wings should work well! One word of advice... Your snowballs won't be of any use in the twilite wood. You should speak with Isaac and see what he can do with your snowshooter and ammo.”
“We're glad to have you back Jowee!”
“Look at the sparkling stars! Now it'll be much easier for everyone to get some sleep.”
“Just a short time ago... with an empty grey sky and snow on the ground... I was outside... wondering when the end would come... Darkness was everywhere and everyone was gone... It was then I stopped believing... I actually left the village... and I wouldn't be here today... if it wasn't for Mari... She never lost faith... And because of her, The Creator sent a hero to save our village. It's my pleasure to officially start her training as Mayor... to take my place, when the time comes... Mari, could you come on stage?”
–Mayor The Mayor's speech at the festival.
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“Hero, Mari has lost her way. And now that Jowee is gone, the fate of all Raposa lies with you.”
“Wilfre has created an almost impenetrable barrier which grows stronger by the hour. But hope is not lost, Hero. You must gain the power of these 3 villages.”
“From each [village] you must construct a pedestal and obtain an orb. Once you have accomplished this for all 3 villages, the barrier will be unlocked for you. Make haste, Hero. All hope now lies with you...”
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- Mayor is one of a few characters to have a canon voice, being voiced by David J Franco.
- According to Joseph Tringali, the Mayor was never given a proper name in production.
- According to the Australian Drawn to Life website, The Mayor likes his daughter, and Banya muffins. He dislikes Wilfre, Shadow Creatures, and bad artwork.
- The Mayor babysat Indee when Indee's father went on adventures.
- The Mayor incorrectly calls Icy Lake "Snow Lake" at some point in the game.
- He wears a monocle over his right eye in the European and Korean boxart. In the American and Japanese boxart, the monocle is over his left eye.
- This is most likely caused by the Mayor's art being flipped.
- A grave for the Mayor can be found in Lock's Quest.
- The Mayor appears alongside Mari and Jowee in the opening cutscene of Drawn to Life: Two Realms.
- In the two games where the Mayor does not appear, statues of the Mayor exist near Village Hall.
Ditto for a different boxart.
The Mayor's profile on the Australian website for Drawn to Life.
Darkness being cleared from behind the Mayor.
A portrait of the Mayor seen inside Mari's House in Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Wii).
A portrait of the Mayor and Mari seen inside Mari's house in Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Wii).
A statue of the Mayor seen outside Village Hall in Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Wii).
Concept Art of the Mayor's Statue.
The Mayor with Mari, the Hero and Wilfre in the first cutscene in Drawn to Life: Two Realms.