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This article may contain major plot spoilers that threaten to ruin elements of the story!

If you haven't completed the entire Drawn to Life Series it is highly recommended that you tread with caution while reading this article!












Miles grab harmonica.gif


Miles put away harmonica.gif

Rose Miles.gif


Miles idleDown.gif

Miles idleUp.gif

Miles walkDown.gif

Miles walkUp.gif

Miles celebrate.gif

Miles surprised.gif

Miles happy.gif

Miles sad.gif

Miles angry.gif

Miles thinking.gif

Species Raposa
Gender Male
Age Child
Fur Color
Home Watersong
Role Future Mayor of Watersong
Son of Rose
Last Known Status Alive
Game(s) Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter Link
TR Logo.png

I want to do something for Watersong after running away. Any ideas?


Miles is the son of Rose, living in Watersong, running away to Rapoville in Drawn to Life: Two Realms. He is first introduced after Color is restored to the second half of Watersong.

Miles is a young Raposa who, despite his age, wants to be viewed as an adult. He can be very stubborn when faced with a need or challenge, such as retrieving the Promise Conch. He tries to be completely self-reliant, often to the point of refusing help from those who offer it. He is shown to pay close attention to detail, and was able to conclude that the Promise Conch was likely hidden somewhere in The Abyss based on the type of seaweed that Salem left behind.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

Miles is a young male Raposa with orange fur. His outfit consists of a green and white suit with brass buttons, a black waistcoat, and a small green bowler hat with a gold ribbon wrapped around it.

Book Icon.png Story[edit]

Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter[edit]

Immediately after the Creator restores Color to the ground, Miles is heard shouting at Salem to get away from him. Soon afterwards, he hides behind the Hero when Salem continues to demand that Miles come along with him. Seeing him with the Hero, Salem finally leaves Miles alone, stating that he was only trying to take Miles back home. Once Salem leaves, Mari offers to take Miles home, to which he refuses and runs off.

Some time later, Miles is found by multiple Watersong residents, but he runs into Jivin' Rooftops to escape them, so the Hero chases after him. Once Miles is brought back from Jivin' Rooftops, he explains to Jowee and the Hero that the reason he keeps running away is so that he can search for the Promise Conch to save his mother's life. Rose's flashback explains this further, showing Miles attempting to stop his mother from risking her life by betting her voice, and the power of song, against Salem. In the end, Rose lost her bet against Salem, and by her promise to the Conch she also lost her voice.

After listening to his explanation, the Hero is tasked with finding the Promise Conch, which Miles concludes to be located somewhere in The Abyss. Later, when the conch is found and Rose's voice is restored, Rose claims that she is not worthy to be the mayor of Watersong. Despite Miles's objection, Rose tries to pass the power of song to him, in the hope that he will make a better mayor after her death. However, the Creator intervenes during the transfer and stops Miles from getting the voice, keeping Rose alive. Shortly after this, Salem arrives and explains that he cheated in order to take control of Watersong. Salem then attempts to use his Ameba to attack Rose, Miles, and Butler, but after being being stopped and cornered by the Hero, Mari, and Jowee, he reveals himself as Wilfre and escapes using a portal.

Drawn to Life: Two Realms[edit]

Four years later, Miles is hiding in Rapoville because he feels like a failure. After the Hero and Jowee find him while searching for Mike. After using the Book of Imagination to clear his mind, Miles asks for a companion, so the Creator gives him the Pet. Miles then reveals that he saw Mike run into the house in the Watersong district.

BoIopen.png Imagination Battles[edit]

Miles is having a hard time believing in himself. Remind him what he's worth!

–Level Description

Miles' Imagination Battle in Drawn to Life: Two Realms is named If I Could Walk 500 Miles'. It is the twenty-second story level in the game, and has three segments. After being directed to Miles by Click, Jowee and the Hero find him sulking near the Wishing Well. He claims to be a failure and that he'd never return to Watersong, so the Hero uses the Book of Imagination to help him.


Acorn Baki Wind Doot Cactus Baki Fire Baki Bounce Balloon Spring E'Squire Green Baki Flipper Hopper Squwacky
Acorn Baki toy.png
Cactus Baki toy.png
Fire Baki toy.png
Bounce toy.png
Spring toy.png
Flipper toy.png
Hopper toy.png
Squwacky toy.png

Build Mode[edit]

In Build Mode, the player is given a Fire Baki and a Wind Doot. One possible solution is for the player to place both toys in front of the Hero, with the Fire Baki one tile before the Wind Doot.

Now that's what good friends do!

–Completion Text

Imagination Battles
Last Level
Electoral Anxiety
Next Level
Leader Astray

Miles wants to thank Watersong. Let him figure it out!

–Level Description

Mayoral Exhibition is Miles' optional Imagination Battle, unlocked in Creative Pack #2. It has one segment, and takes place within his mind.


One Star (500 points): 100 Rapo-Coins
Two Stars (1500 points): Circi Mask Sticker
Three Stars (2500 points): Winter Mittens Sticker

Required Enemies[edit]

For this level, the player is required to place four toys and guide the Dreamer to the goal.

Quote Icon.png Quotes[edit]

I will never forgive you for what you've done!


No! I'm not going home. Not until I find the conch!


Let me go! You don't understand.


No!! I need to find the conch or my mom will die...


Okay. Hurry back! I'll be waiting here for you.


Mom, your voice is back!!


C'mon, Jowee, Sock and Hero! Let's go play!


Oh, I hope you're coming to the opera performance this evening. It's been so long since the last one!
We're celebrating mom getting her voice back! Everyone is welcome.
Especially you, Hero!


Hey mom, you wanted to see me?


What? But the voice... You can't!
No! I won't listen!


Hero...? Is that you?


I'm sorry... I just don't want to go back. I miss my mom.


I'm a no good failure... And I ran away from Watersong... I don't deserve to be there anyway...


Somehow, Someway... I feel encouraged!


That's a great idea! How did you get to be so dependable Jowee?


Creator, I don't want to be by myself any longer. Can you design a friend for me?




I think I'll call you... YoYaYa.


Why were you looking... For me?


I was trying to rent a room here in Watersong. But he got there before me. He didn't seem all too friendly.


I don't feel like talking to anyone right now.


Miles' early game dialogue

Hero... I didn't expect to see you again.


Miles' mid-game dialogue

I... I think I've been doing a good job? What a relief.


Miles' late game dialogue

I want to do something for Watersong after running way. Any ideas?


Before attempting Mayoral Exhibition

It has to be something to make everyone happy!


After failing Mayoral Exhibition

I got it! I'll ask NavyJ to do a show!


After clearing Mayoral Exhibition


  • In Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter, Miles can't be found after Watersong's story is finished.
  • Miles is the second Raposa in the Drawn to Life series to freely traverse a level without needing to be rescued.
    • The first is Jowee, who traverses the Twilite Wood in the first game.
  • During Miles' explanation, Track 25 plays.
  • It is possible that he is named after the Game Music Company that worked on the music for the Scribblenauts series.
  • Miles attempts to run away during the voice transfer but is blocked by Butler.
  • Miles can play the harmonica.
  • Maximilien and Jacques wear outfits that are similar to Miles'.
  • It is possible that Miles is the Mayor of Watersong during the events of Drawn to Life: Two Realms, but this hasn't been confirmed.
    • The StoryValidator.bytes file in the game states, "[Miles] is struggling with his responsibility as future Mayor of Watersong," though nothing has been officially confirmed.
  • Clearing 2 stars of Mayoral Exhibition rewards the player with a mask of Circi from Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Wii).
    • This is currently the only confirmed reference to a noncanon game in a canon game.

ColorStatic.png Fan Works[edit]

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PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]