Mr. Ford

From Drawn to Life Wiki
Mr. Ford

Ford idle down.gif

Mr. Ford (Back).gif

Mr. Ford (Walk).gif

Mr. Ford (Walk Back).gif

Mr. Ford (Celebrate).gif

Mr. Ford (Shocked).gif

Mr. Ford (Happy).gif

Mr. Ford (Sad).gif

Mr. Ford (Mad).gif

Mr. Ford (Thinking).gif

Species Human
Gender Male
Age Adult
Fur Color
Black Hair
Home Belleview
Role Villager
Last Known Status Alive
Game(s) TR Logo.png
Did you know this town is over one hundred and seventeen years old? That's ancient!

–Mr. Ford

Mr. Ford is a human featured in Drawn to Life: Two Realms. He is a Belleview resident and owns the Library in town.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

Mr. Ford is an adult human with brown hair cut into an afro. He wears a brown jacket with a white undershirt. He also wears khaki pants and black shoes, and he has a small, black goatee.

Book Icon.png Story[edit]

Before the events of Drawn to Life: Two Realms, Mr. Ford was infected with Shadow by Aldark. He plays no major role in the story, but by the end of the game, the Hero has presumably saved him from the Shadow.

BoIopen.png Imagination Battle[edit]

It's time for some fun with your library card!

–Level Description

Ford's Lessons of Self Learning is an optional battle in Drawn to Life: Two Realms, has one segment, and takes place inside Mr. Ford's mind.


One Star (400 points): 20 Rapo-Coins
Two Stars (1200 points): 30 Rapo-Coins
Three Stars (2000 points): Spring Toy

Required Enemies[edit]

Spring Bounce
Spring toy.png
Bounce toy.png

Build Mode[edit]

For this level, the player is required to place 4 toys and defeat all possible toys.

Ford's imagination is almost as fun as the library! Almost.

Unused Completion Text

Quote Icon.png Quotes[edit]

Did you know this town is over one hundred and seventeen years old? That's ancient!

–Mr. Ford

Before unlocking Ford's Lessons of Self Learning

Hardly anyone visits the library anymore. Those books need someone to read them other than me!

–Mr. Ford

After unlocking Ford's Lessons of Self Learning but before attempting it

I don't know how to convince people to read more Du Bois...

–Mr. Ford

After losing Ford's Lessons of Self Learning

Maybe if we start stocking comic books, the younger kids will grab those AND pick up some Herodotus.

–Mr. Ford

After winning Ford's Lessons of Self Learning


  • According to the Raposa-Human Counterpart Sheet created during development, Mr. Ford is Indee's counterpart[1].
  • In his Imagination Battle dialogue, Mr. Ford references U.S. Civil Rights author W.E.B. Du Bois, along with ancient Greek writer Herodotus.
  • Mr. Ford has 2 unused lines of dialogue due to when his Imagination Battle is triggered:
    • "There could be a long lost civilization buried under this town..." (Mid-Game Bark)
    • "I found an artifact in the yard yesterday! I better start writing to the archeology journals..." (End-Game Bark)

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]

NoteIcon.png References[edit]

  1. ConnectionSheet1.jpg