Sea Harp

From Drawn to Life Wiki
Sea Harp

SeaHarp Idle.gif

SeaHarp Angry.gif

SeaHarp Death.png

Species Fish
Variant Sea Harp
Health HeartSmall Small.png
Attack Type Contact
Item Drops SilverCoin Small.pngSilverCoin Small.png
Games Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter Link

Sea Harps are seahorse-like enemies in Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter. They are found within some underwater Watersong levels. They make their first appearance in Rhythmic Reef. Sea Harps do not actively pursue the Hero, but their fast zig-zag movement may make them difficult to combat or avoid. Due to this, the best time to attack is when they're paused to switch directions.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

Sea Harps are gold and blue seahorse-like creatures. They heavily resemble the shape of harps, thus earning their name. Their heads seems to take the appearance of a trumpet.

AButton.png Levels[edit]


  • They are first seen during the second section of the Rhythmic Reef level and are the second fish variant the player encounters.
  • Sea Harps remain idle off-screen until the player approaches them.
    • It is unclear as to why they have a unique sprite for this action.
  • When damaged, the "strings" on their body will snap.
  • The graphics for Sea Harps' diagonal movement is processed by the game rather than through sprites, meaning their texture may appear jagged or "rough" within levels.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]