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“"I was just about to complete Schubert's unfinished 8th symphony."”
Squidward Tentacles is a supporting character in both Drawn to Life: SpongeBob SquarePants Edition and the Nicktoon the game is based on. In the game, Squidward is one of three helpers who can assist you in levels with the touch screen when X is pressed, with his helping move involving a clarinet performance that attacks enemies and breaks Squidward-marked boxes.
Just like in the series, Squidward is a green foam-colored octopus, with two tentacles acting as arms and the other four tucked together as legs. His large cranium has eight spots on the top, and his attire typically consists of a single brown shirt.
Squidward is first seen after SpongeBob is rescued from the Doodle Dudes, when he, Patrick and DoodlePants are observing the damage made to Bikini Bottom. Upon the condition that his clarinet - which was stolen by Doodlebob - is returned and house repaired, he agrees to go with them on their journey to restore Bikini Bottom. As the group reach Doodled Tower, Patrick is amazed by it's structure, but SpongeBob and Squidward recognize that's where the Doodle Dudes came from. DoodleBob approaches them, and Squidward demands that he receives his clarinet back. After a failed attempt by DoodlePants to communicate to him, DoodleBob escapes and leaves Doodled to fight the group.
Upon Doodled's defeat, the group realizes DoodleBob ran off into The Jungle, the group head there and follow his tracks before coming to a stop at a drawn Pyramid. DoodleBob is caught again drawing a rocket and submarine and battles DoodlePants directly, only to escape before he is 100% erased. Squidward and SpongeBob suspect that he escaped to either the Deep Sea or the Moon in Space. Squidward suggests going to the former as DoodleBob left the submarine, and that space leaves his skin chapped.
After Squidward assures SpongeBob that he's not afraid to be near the Flying Dutchman's ship, the Dutchman approaches the group and Squidward pins the blame on SpongeBob in fear. The Dutchman blames the group for setting the Doodle Dudes loose to take over his ship, and Doodle Patrick arrives to frame them even further. Squidward and SpongeBob attempt to set the record straight, only to make a run for it after Patrick mistakenly reveals that he drew DoodleBob back to life. Upon realizing he was tricked, the Dutchman later thanks the group for getting rid of the Doodle Dudes and tasks them with getting rid of Doodle Patrick.
The group arrives back at Bikini Bottom after Doodle Patrick's defeat, realizing DoodleBob went to the Moon and that they need a rocket. Sandy approaches them soon after, thanking them for rescuing her, and SpongeBob asks if they could borrow her rocket. She rejects his request, suggesting they use the Magic Pencil to draw their own rocket instead. They reach Bikini Doodle - a copy of Bikini Bottom on the Moon drawn by DoodleBob - and approach him before DoodlePants fights him again. DoodlePants is victorious and Squidward receives his clarinet back, but in his and SpongeBob's euphoria DoodleBob escapes as Patrick tries to warn them. After being defeated a third time, DoodleBob falls from the nearby Asteroid and Squidward attempts to erase him for good, still sore over his clarinet getting stolen. SpongeBob stops him from doing so, realizing DoodleBob just wanted some friends, and Squidward reluctantly lets him replace DoodleBob's mean face with a happy one to turn him good. The group bids DoodlePants and DoodleBob farewell and head home to Bikini Bottom.
“Watch it there! You're standing on my leg!”
–Squidward After approaching SpongeBob and Patrick.
“Blockhead! Take a look around! Notice anything different? Like the destruction of Bikini Bottom!?”
“The town is ruined. Everyone was taken away by an army of Doodle Dudes...”
“...and they took my favorite clarinet away--right in the middle of practice time!”
“I'm holding both of you responsible! You're going to fix my house just the way it was!”
“Everyone else STAYS! My house had better be repaired quickly! I need my beauty sleep!”
–Squidward After SpongeBob suggests someone goes with DoodlePants.
“I assume you're going to keep working us to the bone for the same measly wages.”
–Squidward Upon Mr. Krabs being rescued and the Krusty Krab reopening.
“NO! It's some kind of enemy base! This town will never be safe as long as this thing is nearby!”
–Squidward After Patrick becomes amazed by the Doodled Tower.
“Hey? What's that you've got in your hand?”
–Squidward Upon approaching Doodlebob.
“Aggh! My clarinet! Get your filthy hands off that! That belongs to me! Give it back!”
“Fine! Just tell him to get my clarinet back!”
–Squidward After SpongeBob suggests DoodlePants speaks to him in doodle language.
“Is this gonna take all day? This guy makes even less sense than Patrick!”
“Hurry! After him!”
–Squidward After DoodleBob escapes.
“Hey, you guys! Aren't we forgetting something very important?”
–Squidward Upon beating Doodled.
“Not that! I'm talking about going after DoodleBob - your evil alter-ego?!”
–Squidward After SpongeBob realizes he forgot to feed Gary.
“Leave that to DoodlePants! My house needs fixing back in Bikini Bottom!”
–Squidward After SpongeBob realizes he went to The Jungle.
“It looks like some sort of imitation pyramid. No great work of art, though.”
–Squidward Upon reaching the Pyramid.
“Hey! Don't put him in the same league as me!”
–Squidward After Patrick compares DoodleBob's drawings to Squidward's.
“Whatever it is, we've got to put a stop to it!”
“He's getting away! After him! We've got to catch him somehow!”
–Squidward Upon beating DoodleBob at the Pyramid.
“... the bottom of the sea!”
–Squidward After SpongeBob asks where DoodleBob could've escaped to.
“...the moon makes my skin chapped, so we're going to the deep sea! Understand?!”
“Scared? HA! It'll take more than that to scare Squidward J. Tentacles!”
–Squidward When SpongeBob asks if Squidward is scared upon arriving at Dutchman Deck.
“No... please... this was all his idea. The little yellow square. He's the one you want! HE MADE ME COME ALONG!”
–Squidward Squidward blaming SpongeBob in fear.
“No, no no! I'm not with these guys! Not at all!”
–Squidward After Doodle Patrick arrives and frames the gang for vandalizing the Flying Dutchman's ship.
–Squidward After the Flying Dutchman comes back.
“He lied to you Flying Dutchman! This Doodle Patrick is every bit as annoying as the real Patrick, only he's an evil genius!”
“Why do things always happen to me?”
–Squidward Before starting the No Turning Back boss stage.
“Boy am I beat! Plus we didn't even find DoodleBob. What a day!”
–Squidward Upon returning to Bikini Bottom.
“Patrick! Enough! You're making ME crazy now. I guess we've got no choice now but to go to the moon.”
–Squidward While Patrick is impersonating Doodle Patrick.
“Sandy's the only one who can help us now.”
–Squidward Suggesting they ask Sandy to assist them.
“Think of my clarinet!”
–Squidward After Sandy reminds the group they broke her rocket.
“This place looks just like Bikini Bottom!”
–Squidward Upon reaching Bikini Doodle.
“YIPPEE, WE DID IT! Hey, what about my clarinet?”
–Squidward Upon completing the Stop DoodleBob! boss stage.
“Give it to me!”
–Squidward After Patrick reveals he has the clarinet.
“Ah, my precious clarinet. I'll never let you out of my sight again!”
“With this clarinet, Bikini Bottom will be known throughout the world as a cultural jewel.”
–Squidward After realizing DoodleBob escaped.
“It's all your fault!”
–Squidward Squidward blaming SpongeBob.
“Now for the coup de grace... we finish him off!”
–Squidward After clearing Asteroid Battle.
“Out of existence ONCE AND FOR ALL!”
“Oh, I realized it too! How much fun it will be to erase him!”
–Squidward After SpongeBob realizes something.
“Clarinet thief!”
“Oh, fine.”
–Squidward After SpongeBob suggests giving DoodleBob a happier face.
“This sure is a moving scene, I guess.”
–Squidward After DoodleBob's face is made happier.
“Yeah, I need to get my beauty sleep.”
–Squidward Before returning to Bikini Bottom.
[Optional dialogue if Squidward is chosen to be the player's helper]
“Oh, why me? Can't you pick on someone else?”
“You've come to the right squid for help.”
“Need a world-class clarinet player?”
“Well, prepare to be soothed by Squidward!”
“I'd better help--before the barnacle brothers make things worse!”
“Hey! Why bug me? I've got errands to run, you know?”
“Can't you come back, next century?”
“I was just about to complete Schubert's unfinished 8th symphony.”
“This is all SpongeBob's fault.”
“I guess now I have to clean it up!”
“Just like when Gary walks in my yard.”
“This crummy town would fall apart without Squidward!”
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Squidward as he appears in the Coloring Book Mode menu
A Squidward Coloring Book Mode page
A Squidward running Coloring Book Mode page
- Squidward's in-game assets are mainly reused from Altron's previous SpongeBob title Atlantis SquarePantis.
- The plot point of his clarinet getting stolen is also carried over from that game.
- Strangely, he uses the clarinet during his helper move despite this.
- Squidward has the most quotes spoken upon being selected as a helper out of the three, with a total of 13.
Additional Info[edit]