Steel Crab

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Steel Crab
Species Hermit Crab
Variant Steel
Health Invincible (Shell)
HeartSmall Small.png (Body)
Attack Type Contact
Item Drops 5 DTLSB COIN.png / Powerup
Games Spongebob Logo 2.png

Steel Crabs are an enemy featured exclusively in Drawn to Life: SpongeBob SquarePants Edition. They are seen standing in place before swiping at the player with their claws upon being encountered. Their shells, made of steel, are completely invulnerable to attacks. They are only seen in one stage, Rock Bottom.

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Steel Crabs are hermit crabs that have pink skin and claws, as well as big eyes with bulging black pupils. Their shells are bigger than the crab itself and comprised of grey steel, which shines on the tip of each layer leading to the tip.

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