Stormy Cloud

From Drawn to Life Wiki
Stormy Cloud
Name Stormy Cloud
Use Acts as a moving platform for the player
Creation Type Level Object
Has Preset No
Template Needed No
Created In/After Mt. Snowy
Game(s) Drawn to Life Link

For other uses of Clouds on the wiki, see Cloud.

For other uses of Platforms on the wiki, see Platform.

We need a dark and stormy cloud.
These will move around to help your progress!

–Design Prompt

Stormy Clouds are creations in Drawn to Life, drawn in Mt. Snowy, that are used by the Hero as moving platforms. They generally only move horizontally or vertically, but there are certain clouds in levels that can be seen doing both.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

Due to the Stormy Cloud being a creation object and having no pre-drawn preset or guide, the appearance of this object is completely dependent on the player.

They are still confined to a 72px × 32px area.

AButton.png Levels[edit]


  • This creation lacks a name in certain prototype builds of the game, and is displayed simply as "Need a name" on the Draw Mode preview.
  • There are two types of Stormy Clouds found within levels: one that is constantly moving, and one that is stationary until the Hero jumps onto it.
  • Both the Cloud and the Stormy Cloud use the same creation template.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]