Wilfre's Wasteland

From Drawn to Life Wiki
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This article may contain major plot spoilers that threaten to ruin elements of the story!

If you haven't completed Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter it is highly recommended that you tread with caution while reading this article!

Wilfre's Wasteland
Mayor None
Population None
Specialization None
(Final Boss)
Creations Village Altars
Number 4
Levels 9
Sections 1
Games Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter Link
Last Village
Galactic Jungle
Next Village

Wilfre's Wasteland is the fourth and final world visited in Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter It contains nine levels, six of which are based on locations from previous worlds.

Book Icon.png Story[edit]

Upon their arrival, the Raposa find Mari and Wilfre at the entrance of the village. Mari reveals that she ran away from Turtle Rock in order to help Wilfre drain the Color from the world, and attempts to convince Jowee to join them. Upon his refusal, Mari ask Wilfre to take him to his lair to explain the situation further, which scares the rest of the Raposa back to Turtle Rock.

The Mayor himself appears to help The Hero at this point. It is most likely his spirit, though he is not transparent like at the end of Drawn to Life. He guides the Hero to find templates of three Village Altars and their respective Village Orbs to disable the barrier of Wilfre's castle. After doing so, the Mayor disappears and Jowee runs from the castle in panic, unable to believe what he has seen. He tells the now-returned crew that what he saw was enough to not join Mari, and tells Mike he is involved in all of this. He asks Mari to reconsider her decision, and after a flashback to a memory of her and the Mayor she switches sides once more. Upon Wilfre's defeat, Heather is rescued at last and reunites with Jowee. She states she has something important to tell everyone, but Jowee assures her that they already knew before they head back to Rapoville.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

Wilfre's Wasteland is an amalgamation of the three previous villages The Hero has visited (Watersong, Lavasteam, and Galactic Jungle). After completing the two levels for each village, Wilfre's Castle can be colored to make it accessible. It has three levels including the final battle against Wilfre. This battle takes place in Hall of Darkness.

Wilfre seems to have torn the pages of other areas to make this realm.

AButton.png Levels[edit]

WW DripDropDocks.png
Drip Drop Docks
WW SunBurnBay.png
Sun Burn Bay
WW UndergroundTown.png
Underground Town
(Tubba.gif can be rescued here)
WW VolcanicEruption.png
Volcanic Eruption
WW ToggleTower.png
Toggle Tower
WW StellarShowdown.png
Stellar Showdown
WW MysticManor.png
Mystic Manor
(Bubba.gif can be rescued here)
WW CrumblingKeep.png
Crumbling Keep
(DrCure.gif can be rescued here)
WW HallOfDarkness.png
Hall of Darkness


  • This is the only village besides Turtle Rock to only have a single section.
  • None of the NPCs, excluding Mayor and Mari, talk to the player outside of cutscenes.
  • Most of the villager NPCs appear in the area.
  • Concept sketches of Wilfre's Wasteland reveal two earlier designs for the village that went unused:
    • In one, a car can be seen in a downtown area next to a Raposa, possibly hinting at an uptown or downtown styled village.
    • In another, some dice and playing cards can be found near what appears to be a casino, possibly hinting at a gambling-themed village.
  • Hall of Darkness is sometimes labeled as the 10th level despite the fact that it is not only a boss level, but is also only the 9th level of Wilfre's Wasteland.
  • No new level creations are made throughout any levels in this village.
  • In French, this world is known as Désert de Wilfre, or Wilfre Desert

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]