
From Drawn to Life Wiki
Name Meteor
Use Moving platform
Creation Type Level Object
Has Preset Yes
Template Needed No
Created In/After Star Forest
Game(s) Drawn to Life Link

The sky is falling! Draw a meteor!

–Design Prompt

Meteors are creations in Drawn to Life. They are first drawn in the Star Forest. The Hero uses them as platforms, but they are constantly falling down, similar to Falling Chairs, so that the player must keep jumping up to higher ones, or run the risk of being carried down further until they go off the screen and lose a life.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

Due to the Meteor being a creation object and having no pre-drawn preset or guide, the appearance of this object is completely dependent on the player.

AButton.png Levels[edit]

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]