Tentacle Monster

From Drawn to Life Wiki
(Redirected from Helmet Dragon)
Tentacle Monster

Tentacle Monster (Idle).gif

Tentacle Monster (Chew).gif

Tentacle Monster (Death).png

Tentacle Tip.gif

Tentacle Body.gif

Species Monster
Variant Tentacle
Health HeartSmall Small.png
Attack Type Contact
Item Drops N/A
Games Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter Link

Tentacle Monsters are enemies in Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter only found in the levels of Watersong. Tentacle Monsters are creatures that live in diving helmets and attempt to attack the Hero when they get too close. These enemies attack by reaching out to the Hero and dragging them into the helmet. After a short period of time, and after the Hero has been damaged, the enemy will spit them out again.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

The full appearance of the creature inside the helmet is unknown. They have long red tentacles, similar to those of a cephalopod, and two squinted eyes.

The helmet it is in is a large, broken, rusted-metal helmet with a snorkel on its left side. An unknown, hair-like object sits on top of the helmet, and is potentially part of the monster itself.

AButton.png Levels[edit]


  • While Tentacle Monsters can be defeated with any sort of attack, the easiest and safest method is to use Shooter or Slinger to attack from a distance.
  • The Hero can still be grabbed by the Monster immediately after taking damage. When this happens, the Monster will still go through its "eating" animation but the Hero will not take damage.
  • The name "Tentacle Monster" can only be found in the game's files, in the directory for the sound effects.
  • Tentacle Monsters are one of the few completely stationary enemies in Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]