
From Drawn to Life Wiki

Oma idle down.gif

Oma idle back.gif

Oma walk.gif

Oma walk back.gif

Species Raposa
Gender Female
Age Elder
Fur Color
Orange Fur
Whire Hair
Home Rapoville
Role Villager
Last Known Status Alive
Game(s) TR Logo.png

Hero, it won't be long before I meet the Creator...


Oma is a minor character who appears in the Drawn to Life: Two Realms.

TowerIcon.png Appearance[edit]

Oma is an elder Raposa with orange fur and medium length white hair. She wears a pink dress and blue pants.

BoIopen.png Imagination Battle[edit]

Oma is missing her avian companions. Maybe they're in here?

–Level Description

Come to Roost is an optional battle in Drawn to Life: Two Realms, has one segment, and takes place inside Oma's mind.


One Star (500 points): 100 Rapo-Coins
Two Stars (1500 points): Flower Hat Sticker
Three Stars (2500 points): Bunny Slippers Sticker

Required Enemies[edit]

Build Mode[edit]

For this level, the player is required to place 5 toys and get 3 Squwacky into a zone.

Quote Icon.png Quotes[edit]

Ah... I remember when Mari's dad was still the Mayor...


Hero, it won't be long before I meet the Creator...


Oh I do love feeding the birds in this little house.


The birds haven't been visiting as much lately... I miss them.


Before Come to Roost

I've got an idea to mix up the seed. Maybe they'll like a more balanced diet.


After Come to Roost (if the player wins)

I haven't heard a bird's song in ages.


After Come to Roost (if the player loses


  • Oma can be seen as Helen's Raposa counterpart.
    • They have similar sprites and both have similar roles in the story, being an elder female.

PaintingIcon.png Media[edit]